1)Okay First you must have eflyff v11 in a folder. This is found here http://files.filefront.com/FlyffUsaSetup+11th+xfireexe/;9621674;/fileinfo.html or http://www.gamershell.com/download_23228.shtml (Do not patch it, v13 is out D:
2)You must now upload the flyff files this includes 'GG_less_Neuz.exe.' , 'Loader.bat' , 'neuz.ini'. They are all in a winrar folder which is found here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0D2GPCEJ .
3)Now copy and paste IN the eflyff folder, overight all things that pops up.
4) Now you must upload Hamachi, this is very important! Link is here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QH18FSYC
5) Now after you have uploaded Hamachi install it and must click local network at end.
6) Now open Hamachi and it should pop up for a user / pass (this is just for you, doesnt effect connecting).
7) You must press power on and it should connect.
Cool This is an important bit, as you see you have a IP adress in the middle of it on the bottom right of that is a triangle, click on it and it should have a scroll box , pick 'Join existing network' and the Network Name is 'Private server (FoxxFlyFF)or (FoxxFlyFF2) and the password is 123. This should connect you to the server.
9)Now go back to your Flyff Folder and look for your NEUZ.ini (notepad look like) change the IP to then save it.. Now run the LOADER.BAT .... have fun to play....